SMART V2 Detection Masks Release

28 Aug

SMART is a magnetic feature detection algorithm that was originally developed in the Astrophysics Research Group at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The code run described below is tuned to SOHO/MDI line-of-sight magnetograms. Version 1 (SMARTv1; see previous data release) of the code is described in Higgins et al. (2011). The SMART code described in this paper has been augmented in version 2 (SMARTv2; used here) in two ways for this release:

  • 1. Only one magnetogram is used to create each detection mask. Previously, two magnetograms (subsequent in time) were used.
  • 2. A smoothed-thresholded mask is region grown using a dilated-unsmoothed-thresholded mask to create the final detection mask. Previously, the smoothed-thresholded mask was dilated to create the final detection mask.

The SMARTv2 code is available on GitHub.

Data Release

Detection image for 2013-Oct-28 01:35 UT.

SMARTv2 Detection image for 2013-Oct-28 01:35 UT.

The SMARTv2 feature detection masks for the whole MDI mission are now available. These data include every available MDI LOS magnetogram. Therefore, both 1min and 5min images are included. Selected parameters, including averaging time (INTERVAL), of the MDI fits files are included in file #2 (linked below).

These data have not been filtered. Every available MDI FITS file was run through the detection code. To remove ‘bad data’ (e.g., MDI images taken during a roll of the spacecraft, images taken during a proton storm, or images with missing blocks) from the set, file #2 (linked below) should be used to determine which files are reliable and which are not. I intend to develop a routine which could be run on file #2 to determine which data to remove, but if anyone else is interested in contributing this code, please get in contact!

Available Files
Currently, the data are hosted at LMSAL.

  • 1. The parameter file corresponding to this run of the code is available here.
  • 2. A list of the MDI FITS files used, with selected header keywords is available here.
  • 3. A list of each AR detection in every MDI FITS file used, and its location/bounding box information is available here.
  • 4. A TAR file of the detection masks in FITS format (~700 Mb) is available here.
  • 5. Another TAR file of the PNG images for each set of detections for a given MDI FITS file (as in above image) is available (~43 Gb). Given the large size of this file, it cannot be hosted presently. Contact me (pohuiginATgmailDOTcom) if you would like to obtain the PNG set so that a data transfer can be organised.


Data Use Policy
These data are released under the Creative Commons license. Scientific usage of the data described above is permitted as long as a citation to Higgins et al. (2011) and an acknowledgement to Higgins for providing the data is included. Preferably, a footnote with a link to this post should be included with the citation to inform readers about SMARTv2.

Suggested acknowledgement: “The authors acknowledge Paul A. Higgins (TCD/LMSAL) for providing the SMART feature detections used in this work.”

Creative Commons License
SMARTv2 Detections for Solar Cycle 23 by Paul A. Higgins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.


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